Raceway Woods Forest Preserve
Carpentersville, IL
Raceway Woods is a lovely 122 acre open space tract getting its name from the old race track that once wound around parts of it. The central core of the tract has a fine savanna and mesic woodland with steep banks where pocket seeps trickle down into a clear rippling brook that wanders through several pristine natural areas.
Dundee Park District owns significant portions of this land and the Forest Preserve District has parts of disturbed buffer area abutting the natural areas, but by a general understanding the Forest Preserve will manage the natural areas while the Park District will concentrate on the buffer parking, picnic and recreational portions of this combined open space.
This preserve includes a horseback riding area. Most horse trails are natural surface, mowed grass paths. Limestone screenings trails and asphalt bike trails are available in some of the preserves. These are multi-use trails shared with runners, bicyclists, dog walkers etc. Horse riders are required to stay on designated, forest preserve-maintained trails. Trail riding is not allowed in restricted natural areas, Illinois Nature Preserves, picnic areas or in farmed areas. To prevent trail damage during wet weather, trails may be temporarily closed. Individual forest preserves will post a sign at the entrance when horse trails are closed. Trails are currently OPEN for equestrian use at this preserve.
Preserve Map Horseback Riding Area
- Bike & Nature Trails
- Historic Sites
- Horseback Riding
- Picnic Areas
- Shelters